A comprehensive collection of premium branded janitorial products, cleaning chemicals & accessories
Shop NowProfessional cleaning chemicals & accessories for valeters, car washes, garages & workshops
Shop NowLubricants, cleaners, degreasers, paints, fixings, spill kits, rags & wipes
Shop NowIndustrial detergents & accessories for cleaning construction vehicles, equipment & work areas
Shop NowAbout North Star Supplies
North Star Supplies based in the North West of England is a manufacturer & distributor of an extensive range of cleaning chemicals and accessories for various industries with distribution throughout the UK, Scandinavia and mainland Europe.
We are a family-run business, which has been in operation for more than 10 years with industry experience of over 30 years, so we can boast a wealth of knowledge as well as fantastic business and consumer relationships.
The company is focused on continually strengthening and expanding our range, offering the best possible product quality and customer service at a very competitive price.
Our friendly team always welcome any questions or queries from our customers or potential customers and are only too happy to be of assistance, whether that is advising on the best product for your needs, arranging large orders or offering our specialist knowledge.